Best Thanksgiving Craft...Ever.


This is our Thankful Pumpkin. Don’t let its pristine appearance fool you. I know many of you are thinking, “How did you ever come up with something that clever?! I would never have thought to let my kids just write what they’re thankful for on a pumpkin! This is blowing my mind!” Simmer down guys, I got it off Facebook. Or Pinterest. No, had to be Facebook, Pinterest would have had me do something way cuter that involved…time. This “craft”, if you can even call it that, was my jam this year. No construction paper, glitter, glue, or anything else that would end up with me yelling, I mean lovingly redirecting, my kids. It was foolproof. And let’s be honest, this fool needs all the help she can get. I have low level crafting skills at best. I can cut things out that are traced on paper so pretty much I’m at a kindergarten level. I’m just glad I don’t need safety scissors.

I count it a small victory that I actually remembered to do something this year to remind my kids that we have much to be thankful for. They loved writing on this silly pumpkin. We would take turns writing on it at dinner and then share what we wrote. As the parent, I’m trying to set a good example and write things like “God’s Word” and “Jesus”, and my kids are writing things like “meatloaf” and “OBJ”. We’re really amazing parents. If ever I am on the brink of feeling prideful as a parent, my kids know just how to serve up a hefty helping of humility. They also loved having their friends come over and write what they were thankful for on it. They had so much fun seeing what everyone wrote. Blake even wrote his own name on there. Bless.

As I look at this little pumpkin, I love seeing all the names on there. I’m so grateful my kids have so many people they love in their lives. Some are family; some are friends that feel like family. Either way, we have been given much in the way of love and I have a deep well of gratitude for these people. So on Thanksgiving, I hope you all are with people you love and who love you; whether they are family or friends that have become like family. And it must be said that I am very grateful for all of you that read my thoughts. This is so very kind since I know there are millions of other things you could be doing with your time. So if you land on my page and stay longer than a minute…thanks. And…

Happy Thanksgiving!


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